Brownie Sundae Fundraiser - Wednesday, November 29
We have the opportunity to raise money for Roosevelt Theatre by selling $1 brownie sundaes on Wednesday, November 29. I will provide the bowls, spoons, and ice cream. I need help with pans of brownies and toppings. We need 30+ pans of brownies to make this a true success. If you are willing to help us, the easiest thing to do is bake the brownies in a disposable tin if possible. Please sign up at the link below. I'll need the brownies on Wednesday, November 29. Students can leave the brownies in the front office with their name on them.
Clue Photos
Please feel free to download the photos to put on social media, memory boards, scrapbooks, etc.
Photos by Hannah TeGrotenhuis
Play ExpectationsStudents and parents will be expected to sign a play contract indicating their commitment to the production.